
The Best of A. W. Tozer, Book One is unavailable, but you can change that!

This collection of 52 favorite chapters represents the major themes from the works of A. W. Tozer. Each reveals deep, refreshing insight, conviction and originality of thought. Excerpts from such Tozer classics include The Pursuit of God, Of God and Men and Born After Midnight. Warren Wiersbe, who compiled the text, says, “A. W. Tozer had the gift of taking a spiritual truth and holding it up to...

Introduction “I guess my philosophy is this: Everything is wrong until God sets it right.” That statement from Dr. A. W. Tozer perfectly summarizes what he believed and what he tried to do during his years of ministry. The entire focus of his preaching and writing was on God. He had no time for religious hucksters who were inventing new ways to promote their wares and inflate their statistics. Like Thoreau, whom he read and admired, Tozer marched to a different drummer; and for this reason, he was
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